Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Craft update

Blue = Karis

So, I took one class this summer and just took my final. That means no studying. Or homework. Or anything. It's a weird concept.

And my job is at the wee hours of the morning so by 10 o' clock am, when I clock off, I've already worked a full shift. 

So due to me not having class until fall term starts and only working in the mornings I have expansive days set before me. I can do anything I want! It makes me giddy as a school girl! 

While most of my time is spent playing Pokemon Conquest (so addicting) I've been able to explore some leisurely crafts. 

Check out what I made!  
They're leaves! Leaves.  This makes me feel like a champion among men. A champion.

 I don't think you can imagine how excited I was. Imagine a kid in a toy store and then you surprise them with a hundred dollar bill. 

I was at work and saw this book.

It's a wonderful book full of gorgeous stitches. It's perfect to have on your shelf as a reference or to flip through for ideas. It's going to be my best friend <3 

I made this with some sugar n' cream yarn to make a dish scrubby. (The fanciest dish scrubby on the block) I'm going to make a couple with different stitches and gift them to my boyfriends mom for Christmas. Thumbs up for multitasking.

Check out what else  I made.  


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